What is Freemasonary?
Firstly, let’s dispel the most common myth to which conspiracy theorists thrive. The earth isn’t flat.
Not that one? Ok, we are not a secret society either. How many secret societies have a website and Facebook page?
Freemasonry is about charity, friendship, honesty and brotherhood. It is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling passtimes you can have. Taking an active role in our meetings and ceremonies will help you build confidence and you will learn about the history and lessons of freemasonry. Whilst freemasonry can mean different things for different people, it is true to say that being a freemason is a journey which you will enjoy and grow as a person.
Our main aim is to raise money for charity. We organise social events during the year such as dances, dinners, social cabaret nights, race nights, quiz nights, etc. Monies raised throughout the year are used to help various worthy causes both locally and nationally.
Families are very important to us and the ladies in our lives are very important to the lodge. They help an incredible amount in the organisation and running of social events. Your ladies and wives will also make lots of friends with the other families in the lodge. Whilst The Crompton Lodge is for male members only, there are organisations dedicated to freemasonry for women. For more information please visit https://hfaf.org/ or https://www.owf.org.uk/
If you are interested in joining freemasonry you do not If you are interested in joining Freemasonry, you do not necessarily need to have any connections or friends within a lodge; after all, we encourage making new friendships. You can contact your local lodge (or oursleves via the form below) and we can guide you through the process. When you join freemasonry there are different levels (or degrees) to which you can climb as you progress in the lodge. When you first join you are made an Entered Apprentice Freemason and there is a wonderful ceremony to welcome you, this is known as the 1st degree. As you progress you will become a Fellowcraft Freemason and another ceremony will welcome you to the 2nd degree. After another period of time you will become a Master Mason and there is a special ceremony to mark your 3rd degree. Each of these 3 ceremonies are very special, memorable and enjoyable.

Our Lodge

The Crompton Lodge was consecrated on the 18th May 1979.
We meet 7 times a year on the 4th Wednesday of the months September, October, November, January, February, March and April. We are based at Shaw Masonic Hall.
Our meetings usually start at 6:30pm. We go into our lodge room for our meeting and afterwards we all have a nice meal, a few drinks and enjoy ourselves at what we call, The Social Board.
Each year we elect a member of the lodge to be it’s Worshipful Master. We are an extremely friendly lodge, who welcome visitors and new members with open arms.
We belong to the Oldham District, which is part of the Province of East Lancashire and we are ruled and governed by the United Grand Lodge of England.
Freemasonry is a fantastic hobby and vocation, but it is for good men only. If you are a good man and would like to be better. If you would like to meet lots of new, like minded friends speak to our lodge mentor Chris Henthorn.
How Do I Join?

First and foremost, thank you for showing interest in becoming a freemason. This first step is the biggest and most daunting. If you enter your details in our form below to express your interest we will be in touch with you.
Crompton Lodge (as with most) has a lodge mentor, Chris Henthorn. Chirs is a very experienced and knowledgable mason who will arrange to meet up and have a chat with you.
Chris will go into a little more detail and discuss any questions or worries you may have. No pressure will be put on you whatsoever, it is your decision.
If you are happy to go ahead there is a small section of paperwork and then you will be invited by the lodge Committee for an interview where you will get to meet some of the other members of the lodge. If all goes well, you will be given a date when you will join.
This process can take a little time but it will make it all the more special for your initialtion.
Contact us
Your most important step in freemasonry will be the first.
Please fill out the contact form and a member of the lodge will be in touch.